Note:» Delivery below 18 years of age will not be accepted» You must produce your valid age proof to receive the delivery» Order once taken will not be refunded» We are not an Alcohol/Liquor shop owner or license holder Wait is over! On-demand alcohol delivery app. Now buy Scotch, Whiskey, Brandy, Vermouth, Vodka, Cognac, Indian Beer, Imported Beer, Poer Wine, Rum, Gin, and many more with just a click!Now order your favorite drinks all at once for the biggest selection of beer, wine, and liquor online with just a click of a button.Important NoticeWe are not an Alcohol/Liquor shop owner or license holder or affiliated to such any. We are just providing shopping aggregator service and charge you for delivery service. When you place an order, our nearest delivery boy reaches the available liquor shop nearby, purchases it, and delivered it to your doorstep.You cannot hold us responsible for any legal purpose, reason, or whatsoever in any case.